[WBEL-users] editing and src rpm

William Hooper whooperhsd2@earthlink.net
Thu, 15 Apr 2004 12:17:23 -0400 (EDT)

scty Library said:
> Hello all,
> I would like to edit the freetype src rpm and then
> create a new rpm.

In addition to the advice others have given, I would also check out the
existing .spec file for the package.  Some packages have multiple ways
they can be configured and the spec file author may have included
conditional options to build the package different ways.

As an example, the openssh.org SRPMs used to (and may still) have switches
for building the same src.rpm on RH 6.2 and RH 7.3, even though they had
different build requirements and file locations.

William Hooper