[WBEL-users] RE: Install without X

Josh Hildebrand josh@newgistics.com
Tue, 17 Feb 2004 17:00:43 -0600

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Ewan and others,

I've attached an example of the Kickstart script I often use to install WBEL
or RH9 with.  It covers such things as an extensive package list to remove
all the X-windows dependencies.  It's a great starting point for those of
you that have no interest in having X on your server.  

Also included as a bonus:

A quick and easy method of adding SERIAL Console access for GRUB and the
kernel booting, and an mgetty listening on the serial port once it's all
booted up.

A RH9 tripwire install and nice automatic configuration during install.
WBEL doesn't ship with tripwire, though, so it's turned off by default.

It uses "autoupdate" to sync up your install w/ the latest errata RPMS from
a WBEL mirror.  Feel free to comment all of that out.  Not too many people
like autoupdate, since yum and apt-get came out, but it works well enough
for me.

It requires a network installation..  Put boot.iso on a cd, and type
something like this into the boot command line:

linux ks=http://someserver.company.com/wbel-example-ks.txt ksdevice=eth0

Ciao!  Feel free to email me w/ questions or comments.  I'll answer as I
have time.

-Josh Hildebrand

> -----Original Message-----
> >I'm trying to install a system without X and I'm not having much success;
> >using the 'minimal' option in the installer yields a system with a full
> >copy of X as well as bits of KDE. The problem seems to be a run of
> >dependencies starting from redhat-lsb.
> >
> >So, two questions:
> >- Has anyone installed WBEL without getting a load of XFree86 packages?
> >- Is this a WBEL problem or a RHEL one?
> >
> >Ewan

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
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# Kickstart file for WBEL w/ NO X-windows BS

# L A N G U A G E   S P E C I F I C A T I O N (Required for upgrade)
lang en_US

#L A N G U A G E  S U P P O R T
langsupport en_US

# N E T W O R K   C O N F I G U R A T I O N
#network --bootproto dhcp --nameserver --gateway =
network --bootproto static --device eth0 --ip x.x.x.x --gateway x.x.x.x =
--netmask --nameserver x.x.x.x

# I N S T A L L A T I O N   M E T H O D (Required for upgrade)
url --url http://CHANGEME

# Installation mode

# D E V I C E   S P E C I F I C A T I O N  (Required for upgrade)
device scsi megaraid2

# O T H E R   D E V I C E
#device eth eepro100
#device eth e1000
#device eth acenic
#device eth 3c90x
#device eth bcm5700
#device eth tg3

# R E B O O T   S P E C I F I C A T I O N
reboot yes

# K E Y M A P   S P E C I F I C A T I O N (Required for upgrade)
keyboard us

# M O U S E   S P E C I F I C A T I O N
mouse generic3ps/2 --emulthree=20

# P A R T I T I O N   S P E C I F I C A T I O N
zerombr yes

#SCSI drive
clearpart --drives=3Dsda --all
part /boot --size 200 --ondisk sda --asprimary
part / --size 10000 --grow --ondisk sda
part swap --size 2048 --ondisk sda

#for IDE use
#clearpart --drives=3Dhda --all
#part /boot --size 200 --ondisk hda --asprimary
#part / --size 10000 --grow --ondisk hda
#part swap --size 2048 --ondisk hda

#firewall information
firewall --disabled

# I N S T A L L / U P G R A D E   S P E C I F I C A T I O N=20

# T I M E Z O N E   S P E C I F I C A T I O N
timezone US/Central=20

# X   W I N D O W   S Y S T E M   S P E C I F I C A T I O N
# Do our own xconfiguration manually with RPMS
skipx yes

# R O O T   P A S S W O R D
rootpw --iscrypted COPY_MD5_CRYPTED_PW_HERE
#rootpw CHANGEME
authconfig --useshadow --enablemd5

# L I L O   C O N F I G U R A T I O N (Required for upgrade)
#bootloader --location partition --linear =20
bootloader --location mbr --linear =20

# P A C K A G E   S P E C I F I C A T I O N
%packages --resolvedeps

# P O S T - I N S T A L L A T I O N   C O M M A N D S

mkdir /tmp/save
cp /tmp/ks* /tmp/save

exec > /tmp/ks.log
exec 2> /tmp/ks-error.log

echo Start of Kickstart %post section
echo Start of Kickstart %post section >&2

/bin/echo "White Box Enterprise Linux 3.0 `/bin/date`" > /etc/motd=20


echo "NETWORKING=3Dyes" >> /etc/sysconfig/tmpnetwork
echo "HOSTNAME=3DCHANGEME" >> /etc/sysconfig/tmpnetwork
echo "GATEWAY=3DCHANGEME" >> /etc/sysconfig/tmpnetwork
mv /etc/sysconfig/tmpnetwork /etc/sysconfig/network
echo "DEVICE=3Deth0" >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/tmp
echo "ONBOOT=3Dyes" >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/tmp
echo "BOOTPROTO=3Ddhcp" >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/tmp
mv /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/tmp =

sed -e "s/ localhost$/ localhost CHANGEME/g" /etc/hosts > =
mv /etc/hosts.tmp /etc/hosts

cat /etc/resolv.conf | sed '/^search/d' > /etc/resolv.tmp
mv /etc/resolv.tmp /etc/resolv.conf
cat /etc/resolv.conf | sed '/^$/d' > /etc/resolv.tmp
mv /etc/resolv.tmp /etc/resolv.conf
echo "search CHANGEME" >> /etc/resolv.conf

TRIPWIRE=3Dno	# or no (install tripwire?  wbel3 doesn't include it)
SERIAL=3Dno	# or no (Serial console, disabling graphical Lilo menu)
NTP=3Dyes		# or no (NTP configuration)

cd /tmp
/bin/hostname CHANGEME

echo Linking /usr/bin/vim to /bin/vim >> /tmp/kickstart.log
ln -sf /usr/bin/vim /bin/vi >> /tmp/kickstart.log

#Install GPG Key
echo Trying to install RPM-GPG-KEY >> /tmp/kickstart.log
rpm -v --import /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY >> /tmp/kickstart.log
rpm -v --import /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY-whitebox >> =
rpm -v --import /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora >> /tmp/kickstart.log

echo Adding stuff to /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources for yum/up2date >> =
perl -pi -e "s|^yum|#yum|g" /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources
cat >> /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources << EOF
yum WBEL-3.0 ftp://mirror.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/whitebox/3.0/en/os/i386/
yum updates-released =

# Install AutoUpdate
lftp -e "mget autoupdate-*.noarch.rpm;quit" =
ftp://ftp.istrata.com/pub/autoupdate/ >> /tmp/kickstart.log >> =
rm -rf autoupdate-cfg*
lftp -e "mget autoupdate-cfg-redhat*.noarch.rpm =
autoupdate-cfg-autoupdate-*.noarch.rpm;quit" =
ftp://ftp.istrata.com/pub/autoupdate/ >> /tmp/kickstart.log >> =
rpm -Uvh autoupdate*.rpm >> /tmp/kickstart.log
perl -pi -e "s|^Host=3D(.*)|Host=3D$UPDATES_SERVER|g; \
  s|^FTPRetry=3D(.*)|FTPRetry=3D10|g; \
  s|^Dir=3D(.*)|Dir=3D$UPDATES_DIR//|g" \
perl -pi -e 's|^Verbose=3D(.*)|Verbose=3D0|g; \
  s|^DoKernel=3D(.*)|DoKernel=3D1|g; \
  s|^CleanUpKernel=3D(.*)|CleanUpKernel=3D0|g; \
  s|^CleanUp=3D(.*)|CleanUp=3D0|g; \
  s|^DoBoot=3D(.*)|DoBoot=3D1|g; \
  s|^DoPurge=3D(.*)|DoPurge=3D1|g' \
echo Adding autoupdate to crontab. >> /tmp/kickstart.log
echo >> /etc/crontab
echo # Run RPM updater every day at 10pm. Output to root. Set up by =
kickstart >> /etc/crontab
echo 0 22 \* \* \* root /usr/sbin/autoupdate >> /etc/crontab
echo Running autoupdate now. >> /tmp/kickstart.log
/usr/sbin/autoupdate --verbose >> /tmp/kickstart.log
echo AutoUpdate complete >> /tmp/kickstart.log

echo Setting up NTP >> /tmp/kickstart.log
## NOTE!  Overwrites ntp configuration!
if [ x"$NTP" =3D x"yes" ]; then=20
  mv /etc/ntp.conf /etc/ntp.conf.orig
  echo "driftfile /etc/ntp/drift" >  /etc/ntp.conf
  echo "server"    	>> /etc/ntp.conf
  echo "server"    	>> /etc/ntp.conf
  echo "restrict default ignore"	>> /etc/ntp.conf
  echo "restrict noquery"	>> /etc/ntp.conf
  echo "restrict noquery"	>> /etc/ntp.conf
  echo ""    	>  /etc/ntp/step-tickers
  echo ""		>> /etc/ntp/step-tickers
  /sbin/chkconfig ntpd on

echo Adding grub console support >> /tmp/kickstart.log
  perl -pi -e 's|^splashimage(.*)|terminal --dumb --timeout=3D10 =
console|g;' \

## Add serial console initialization
if [ x"$SERIAL" =3D x"yes" ]; then=20
  echo Adding SERIAL console support >> /tmp/kickstart.log
  if [ "`grep -c "^S[01]:" /etc/inittab`" =3D "0" ]; then
    echo "S0:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -r $SERIAL_TTY DT115200" >> =
  echo Adding grub serial console support >> /tmp/kickstart.log
  perl -pi -e 's|^splashimage(.*)|password --md5 =
CHANGEME_CRYPTED_WITH_BACKSLASHES\nserial --unit=3D0 --speed=3D115200 =
--word=3D8 --parity=3Dno --stop=3D1\nterminal --timeout=3D10 console =
serial|g; \
    s|root=3D|console=3Dtty0 console=3DttyS0,115200n8 root=3D|g' \
## Allow root logins from serial console
  if [ "`grep -c $SERIAL_TTY /etc/securetty`" =3D "0" ]; then
    echo "$SERIAL_TTY" >> /etc/securetty
  cat >> /etc/mgetty+sendfax/mgetty.config << EOF
port ttyS0
  direct y
  speed 115200
  toggle-dtr n

echo Adding root alias for $ROOT_EMAIL >> /tmp/kickstart.log
perl -pi -e "s|^#root:(.*)|root:\t\t$ROOT_EMAIL|g" /etc/aliases
echo Running newaliases to build alias db >> /tmp/kickstart.log
/usr/bin/newaliases >> /tmp/kickstart.log

#only required for firewalls or routers.
#echo Enabling IP forwarding >> /tmp/kickstart.log
#perl -pi -e 's|^net.ipv4.ip_forward =3D (.*)|net.ipv4.ip_forward =3D =
1|' /etc/sysctl.conf

if [ x"$TRIPWIRE" =3D x"yes" ]; then=20
#Install Tripwire here  -- Note WBEL does not ship with Tripwire!  This =
was built with RH9 in mind.
echo Starting tripwire configuration >> /tmp/kickstart.log
perl -pi -e "s|^TW_SITE_PASS=3D(.*)|TW_SITE_PASS=3D\"$TW_SITE_PASS\"|g; =
/etc/tripwire/twinstall.sh >> /tmp/kickstart.log
perl -pi -e "s|^TW_SITE_PASS=3D(.*)|TW_SITE_PASS=3D|g; =
s|^TW_LOCAL_PASS=3D(.*)|TW_LOCAL_PASS=3D|g" /etc/tripwire/twinstall.sh
#modify twpolicy here

echo Modifying TW Policy file >> /tmp/kickstart.log
perl -pi -e '\
  s|^(.*)/proc/scsi|#$1/proc/scsi|g; \
  s|^(.*)/usr/sbin/fixrmtab|#$1/usr/sbin/fixrmtab|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/accton|#$1/sbin/accton|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/busybox|#$1/sbin/busybox|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/busybox.anaconda|#$1/sbin/busybox.anaconda|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/fsck.minix|#$1/sbin/fsck.minix|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/ftl_check|#$1/sbin/ftl_check|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/ftl_format|#$1/sbin/ftl_format|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/mkfs.bfs|#$1/sbin/mkfs.bfs|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/mkfs.minix|#$1/sbin/mkfs.minix|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/mkraid|#$1/sbin/mkraid|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/pcinitrd|#$1/sbin/pcinitrd|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/raidstart|#$1/sbin/raidstart|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/scsi_info|#$1/sbin/scsi_info|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/update|#$1/sbin/update|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/adjtimex|#$1/sbin/adjtimex|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/sndconfig|#$1/sbin/sndconfig|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/dhcpcd|#$1/sbin/dhcpcd|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/ifport|#$1/sbin/ifport|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/ifuser|#$1/sbin/ifuser|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/ip6tables|#$1/sbin/ip6tables|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/ipchains|#$1/sbin/ipchains|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/ipchains-restore|#$1/sbin/ipchains-restore|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/ipchains-save|#$1/sbin/ipchains-save|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/ipfwadm|#$1/sbin/ipfwadm|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/ipvsadm|#$1/sbin/ipvsadm|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/ipvsadm-restore|#$1/sbin/ipvsadm-restore|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/ipvsadm-save|#$1/sbin/ipvsadm-save|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/ipx_configure|#$1/sbin/ipx_configure|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/ipx_interface|#$1/sbin/ipx_interface|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/ipx_internal_net|#$1/sbin/ipx_internal_net|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/portmap|#$1/sbin/portmap|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/vgetty|#$1/sbin/vgetty|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/ypbind|#$1/sbin/ypbind|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/rpc.lockd|#$1/sbin/rpc.lockd|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/rpc.statd|#$1/sbin/rpc.statd|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/rpcdebug|#$1/sbin/rpcdebug|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/cardctl|#$1/sbin/cardctl|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/cardmgr|#$1/sbin/cardmgr|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/cbq|#$1/sbin/cbq|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/dump_cis|#$1/sbin/dump_cis|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/ide_info|#$1/sbin/ide_info|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/lspnp|#$1/sbin/lspnp|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/pack_cis|#$1/sbin/pack_cis|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/probe|#$1/sbin/probe|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/shapecfg|#$1/sbin/shapecfg|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/sash|#$1/sbin/sash|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/ipfwadm-wrapper|#$1/sbin/ipfwadm-wrapper|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/mount.ncp|#$1/sbin/mount.ncp|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/mount.ncpfs|#$1/sbin/mount.ncpfs|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/mount.smb|#$1/sbin/mount.smb|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/mount.smbfs|#$1/sbin/mount.smbfs|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/raid0run|#$1/sbin/raid0run|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/raidhotadd|#$1/sbin/raidhotadd|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/raidhotgenerateerror|#$1/sbin/raidhotgenerateerror|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/raidhotremove|#$1/sbin/raidhotremove|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/raidstop|#$1/sbin/raidstop|g; \
  s|^(.*)/sbin/lilo|#$1/sbin/lilo|g; \
  s|^(.*)/var/lib/nfs/rmtab|#$1/var/lib/nfs/rmtab|g; \
  s|^(.*)/var/lock/subsys(.*)|#$1/var/lock/subsys$2|g; \
work-scripts/ifdown-cipcb|g; \
rk-scripts/ifup-cipcb|g; \
  s|^(.*)/etc/ioctl.save|#$1/etc/ioctl.save|g; \
  s|^(.*)/etc/named.conf|#$1/etc/named.conf|g; \
  s|^(.*)/etc/samba/smb.conf|#$1/etc/samba/smb.conf|g; \
  s|^(.*)/etc/xinetd.conf|#$1/etc/xinetd.conf|g; \
  s|^(.*)/etc/httpd/conf|#$1/etc/httpd/conf|g; \
  s|^(.*)/bin/sfxload|#$1/bin/sfxload|g; \
  s|^(.*)/bin/aumix-minimal|#$1/bin/aumix-minimal|g; \
  s|^(.*)/bin/ed|#$1/bin/ed|g; \
  s|^(.*)/bin/gawk-3.1.0|#$1/bin/gawk-3.1.0|g; \
  s|^(.*)/bin/zsh|#$1/bin/zsh|g; \
  s|^(.*)/bin/zsh-4.0.2|#$1/bin/zsh-4.0.2|g; \
  s|^(.*)/bin/ex|#$1/bin/ex|g; \
  s|^(.*)/bin/red|#$1/bin/red|g; \
  s|^(.*)/bin/rvi|#$1/bin/rvi|g; \
  s|^(.*)/bin/rview|#$1/bin/rview|g; \
  s|^(.*)/bin/view|#$1/bin/view|g; \
  s|^(.*)/bin/ksh|#$1/bin/ksh|g; \
  s|^(.*)/dev/log|#$1/dev/log|g; \
  s|^(.*)/dev/tty(.*)|#$1/dev/tty$2|g; \
  s|^(.*)/var/run|#$1/var/run|g; \
  s|^(.*)/var/log|#$1/var/log|g; \
  s|^HOSTNAME=3D(.*)|HOSTNAME=3Djawa\;|g; \
  s|^([ \t]*)/root[^/](.*)|$1\!/root/.ncftp \;\n$1\!/root/.bash_history =
\;\n$1\!/root/.viminfo \;\n$1\!/root/.\*.swp \;\n$1/root$2|g; \
  s|^(.*)/root/.bash_history|#$1/root/.bash_history|g; \
  s|^(.*)/root/.esd_auth|#$1/root/.esd_auth|g; \
  s|^(.*)/root/.gnome_private|#$1/root/.gnome_private|g; \
  s|^(.*)/root/.gnome-desktop|#$1/root/.gnome-desktop|g; \
  s|^(.*)/root/.gnome|#$1/root/.gnome|g; \
  s|^(.*)/root/.ICEauthority|#$1/root/.ICEauthority|g; \
  s|^(.*)/root/.Xauthority|#$1/root/.Xauthority|g' \
echo Initializing TW database with new policy. >> /tmp/kickstart.log
echo $TW_SITE_PASS | /usr/sbin/twadmin -m P /etc/tripwire/twpol.txt >> =
echo Removing ascii policy file: twpol.txt >> /tmp/kickstart.log
rm -f /etc/tripwire/twpol.txt
echo Running Tripwire to set up database. >> /tmp/kickstart.log
echo $TW_LOCAL_PASS | /usr/sbin/tripwire -m i >> /tmp/kickstart.log

#Eject CD
echo "Ejecting CDROM...."
echo "Ejecting CDROM...." >&2

#CHANGEME - update the device name for your cdrom so it ejects it.  It =
may be /dev/hda, or /dev/hdc, etc.
eject /dev/cdrom
