[WBEL-users] Adding bootable flag to running Array

Simone simone72@email.it
Tue, 06 Jul 2004 09:22:37 +0200

Ops, software Raid (RAID1, 2 disks, 4 partition each disk).

Thanks, Simone

At 23:26 05/07/2004, Ed wrote:
>Simone wrote:
>>looking for advice on the safest and quickest way to add the bootable 
>>flag to a running Array. Last week we had to replace a disk on the samba 
>>server and reconstruct the array (RAID1, 2 disks, $ partition each disk).
>This depends on whether it is hardware or software raid.
>My fault, I forgot to add the bootable flag on the /boot
>>partition. What I am going to do, is shut down the linux box, start with 
>>a live cd and set the bootable flag on the partition. Is this safe? Is it 
>>better to disjoin all hdc from the raid, partition it again and rebuild 
>>the arrays?
>>If I proceed in the first way, I assume I won't lose any data and the 
>>array will just run correctly......
>>As usual, any comment really appreciated. Have a nice day
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