[WBEL-users] Character Set Changes - Missing Chars

Vincent.Raffensberger@dtn.com Vincent.Raffensberger@dtn.com
Tue, 27 Jul 2004 09:13:51 -0500

I missed my guess on your mysqld threads question, but I'll try again with 
this one.

Replace the content of /etc/sysconfig/i18n with this:

The default font set (?latarcyrheb-sun16) works fine in a GUI terminal but 
not a vt100 terminal emulator.

John Hinton <webmaster@ew3d.com> 
Sent by: whitebox-users-admin@beau.org
07/27/2004 08:26 AM

Whitebox Users <whitebox-users@beau.org>

[WBEL-users] Character Set Changes - Missing Chars

Moving from RedHat 7.2 to WBEL, there seems to be a lots of chars which 
just don't exist anymore?

Various websites moved from one machine to the other suddenly have ? 
marks on the pages. When looking at the code, these are middot, 
copywrite and so on characters. Seems some html editors are starting to 
put in a middot instead of the html &middot; tag.

I'm also noticing in several manpages, some characters are not 
recognized (no graphical interface installed).

So, it seems that the new RedHat flagship product in all it's glory has 
dumped these characters? I'm seeing this same situation on six different 
webserver installations. Does anybody know what up with that?

Meanwhile the really sad news.... It seems M$ has decided to reduce the 
size of the code created by FP, and is using the middot char and the 
copywrite char. Now, has anyone 'ever' know M$ to reduce the size of 
it's code on anything? Could it be they are taking a stab at some of the 
'nix systems?

I have spent a few hours googling on this whole deal, but it is very 
tough to drill down to anything of value.

And maybe someone could try using middot or copywrite chars in a 
graphical environment to see if the char sets are different? This is 
driving me nuts!

Yes, the use of middot and copywrite are not w3c compliant to my 
knowledge, but the appearance of problems in the man pages leads me to 
believe some char set is not being brought in. As a for instance, take a 
look at the man for rsync. Under EXAMPLES, look at the get: command

rsync -avuzb --exclude ´*~´ samba:samba/

That's a bit confusing to figure out! :)

John Hinton <running off to various web sites to fix 99 instances of '?' 
on thirty eleven pages every other day, that had worked just fine on 
RH7.2 and FreeBSD>
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