[WBEL-users] Character Set Changes - Missing Chars

James Knowles jamesk@ifm-services.com
Tue, 27 Jul 2004 10:02:03 -0600

> Various websites ... have ? marks on the pages.

Ooohhh... I never noticed this. Yes, I see ? instead of © (©).

I have the default character set configured for UTF-8. However, if I 
manually change to ISO-8859-1 [on mozilla use View | Character Encoding 
| Western (ISO-8859-1)], *then* I see the copyright symbol. (I'm looking 
at the bottom of http://www.thearma.org/ for the copyright symbol.)

I've not tried to hunt down any page that uses middot.

I don't know that it's a m$ conspiracy as much as arrogantly presuming 
that "everybody" will see it fine since "everybody" is using IE on 
Win32... combined with the fact that m$ hasn't given a rip about 
standards except when they're lagging behind everybody else ("embrace"). 
When they catch up then they'll "extend" the standards in a way (such as 
you see), that will "not break anything" [if you're not running IE on 

One-Day Introductory Course to Medieval Longsword
31 July 2004