[WBEL-users] Character Set Changes - Missing Chars

John Hinton webmaster@ew3d.com
Tue, 27 Jul 2004 12:20:16 -0400

James Knowles wrote:

>> Various websites ... have ? marks on the pages.
> Ooohhh... I never noticed this. Yes, I see ? instead of © (©).
> I have the default character set configured for UTF-8. However, if I 
> manually change to ISO-8859-1 [on mozilla use View | Character 
> Encoding | Western (ISO-8859-1)], *then* I see the copyright symbol. 
> (I'm looking at the bottom of http://www.thearma.org/ for the 
> copyright symbol.)
> I've not tried to hunt down any page that uses middot.
> I don't know that it's a m$ conspiracy as much as arrogantly presuming 
> that "everybody" will see it fine since "everybody" is using IE on 
> Win32... combined with the fact that m$ hasn't given a rip about 
> standards except when they're lagging behind everybody else 
> ("embrace"). When they catch up then they'll "extend" the standards in 
> a way (such as you see), that will "not break anything" [if you're not 
> running IE on Win32].
What's happening, is because RHEL/WBEL can't figure out what the char 
is, it is delivering an unreadable replacement char, which does not work 
for anyone running MSIE on a Win machine. And Mozilla is doing the same 
thing on Win32. The problem is the delivery to the browser.

I'll try the char set changes. Odd that even though RedHat ask for 
language and such on the way in, they decided to default to this set. 
Man... I hate messing with char sets! Will have to do this on a test box 
first to see what breaks. This has driven me nuts!! Why why why??? We 
back up in the name of progress.....

John Hinton