[WBEL-users] Character Set Changes - Missing Chars

James Knowles jamesk@ifm-services.com
Tue, 27 Jul 2004 12:01:52 -0600

> We back up in the name of progress.....

Well, if Microsoft would use UTF-8 since it can't seem to use HTML 
character encoding... but that would be an intelligent thing to do. :-)

Actually, looking at it, it seems to work OK if the HTML has

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

in the <head> tag. This, of course, explicitly tells the browser what 
character set to use. I can leave the browser set for UTF-8, but the 
explicit "charset" value allows the browser to switch appropriately 
without user intervention.

Looks like the old problem of the browser guessing wrong.

One-Day Introductory Course to Medieval Longsword
31 July 2004