[WBEL-users] Character Set Changes - Missing Chars

John Morris jmorris@beau.org
Tue, 27 Jul 2004 21:30:47 -0500 (CDT)

On Tue, 27 Jul 2004, John Hinton wrote:

> Yes, the use of middot and copywrite are not w3c compliant to my 
> knowledge, but the appearance of problems in the man pages leads me to 
> believe some char set is not being brought in. As a for instance, take a 
> look at the man for rsync. Under EXAMPLES, look at the get: command

The W3C caved and sanctioned alternate character sets, all you have to do 
is add a header stating you are using a Windows character set and you are 
now legal.  So now all browsers must fully support the various Windows 
codepages in addition to the iso-8859-* sets and of course we can't leave 
out the joy that is UTF-8.

And as for RHEL/WBEL's manpages, UTF-8 is now the order of the day and any 
terminal emulation that can't handle it is going to see odd things.  Gnome 
term's can deal with it correctly but the console isn't quite there yet.

If you want to be freaked out, startup vi (ok, vim) on the comps.xml file
and watch the wierd beauty of almost every symbolset man currently writes
with on the screen at once.... in -VI-.  Assuming of course you installed
all of the fonts.

John M.      http://www.beau.org/~jmorris        This post is 100% M$ Free!
Geekcode 3.1:GCS C+++ UL++++$ P++ L+++ W++ w--- Y++ b++ 5+++ R tv- e* r