[WBEL-users] remote install? switch to debian?

gregwm whitebox@greatlakedata.com
Wed, 28 Jul 2004 08:29:18 -0500


i'm wavering.  i intended to install whitebox.  but i really would like
to be able to do installs remotely.

we downloaded and burned knoppix3.4 just to get remote access, with the
intention of merely using it to install whitebox.  but anaconda doesn't
seem to be able to do a hd install via vnc.  am i wrong?  or is there
another way or another installer?

so now i'm wondering if i should actually jump ship and install debian. 
i've heard there are multiple installers, and i'd think it likely one
might do what i want.  the impression i've gotten is, while redhat
became everyman's distro, debian remains more a geeks distro, you can do
more but you have to know more and work harder.

so i guess i'm worried about entering unfamiliar territory.  yeah i'm comfy
with rpm and yum, but more to the point, documentation, and hardware,
more often seem to be aimed at redhat than other distros.

sincere apologies if i start a distro flamewar, that's not what i
want, but i would appreciate some good pointers to making a good decision

gregory whitley mott
it coordinator