[WBEL-users] Advanced LAMP configuration(s)

Johnny Hughes mailing-lists@hughesjr.com
Mon, 01 Nov 2004 20:17:47 -0600

On Mon, 2004-10-04 at 08:37 -0500, Dave Nuttall wrote:
> I˙ve been experimenting with WBEL 3.0 for 10+ days and have no
> philosophical differences with the basic premise of a highly
> reliable/stable production quality distro.
> However, it seems like some serious advances in the LAMP model will be
> still further down the road while we wait for RHEL to catch up.   In
> my view, I can support going quite slowly with regard to the kernel,
> but see no reason why moving to MySQL 4.x and a PHP  version > 4.3.2
>  couldn˙t be mashed on top of WBEL without causing serious harm.  But
> DOING it is quite another matter, at least in my recent experiments.
> My experiments have been base-lined using HughesJR.com˙s ´minimal
> installˇ suggestions plus ´yum updateˇ with whatever comes with the
> most vanilla installation.
> That leaves numerous missing ´develˇ packages, but that˙s life and
> I˙ve been able to ferret those that are missing by starting with a
> fresh-from-Fedora-development SRPM for httpd-2.0.52.
> I can reach a point where I can build, install and run Apache 2.0.52
> on the ´minimal install PLUSˇ.  Its not hard, but quite time
> consuming!
> My next success was taking the SRPM for MySQL 4.0.20 from mysql.com
> and compiling it.  Again, No problem, although some packages for perl,
> etc. have to be added before it builds correctly/completely.
> But the last step(s) have nearly driven to drink.  Those steps are
> building PHP 4.3.9, again using a SRPM from Fedora development.
> If you actually try to do this on your systems, by now you˙ll already
> know that there are mandatory updates to packages such as ´pcreˇ and
> ´aprˇ that are required.  Also, you have to move from ´file-3*ˇ to
> ´file-4*ˇ, etc, etc, etc.
> All this leads me to think that ´somewhereˇ there must be some kind of
> document/knowledge collection that ´mapsˇ the hierarchical nature of
> all these many interdependent RHEL/Fedora/WBEL, etc. packages.
> If you have a recipe to solve this ´dilemmaˇ I˙ve created for myself
> and/or know where to find the package relationship map, I would be
> eternally grateful if you˙d share that with me, either privately or
> publically.
> TIA.
> Dave Nuttall
> San Antonio, TX

I have been working on this issue, and I have completed the following
components for those who want try some newer stuff:


Details on how to compile them yourself and how to install are on my forum:

I don't necessarily intend to maintain these programs by doing security
updates, although the complete build process including all dependencies
required to build each SRPM is included in the forum. 

Johnny Hughes