[WBEL-users] Rsync Updates Organizing

Erik Williamson erik@cpsc.ucalgary.ca
Fri, 19 Nov 2004 09:53:02 -0700

> FYI, the whitebox developers (John,Vicky, et-al) have (so far) chosen to 
> not accept any outside help, despite it being offerred quite a few times.

Random thoughts:

Before, when I was given a project to do with someone else, I would get 
nervous.  Nervous that they wouldn't do it the way that I wanted to, or 
wouldn't do as good of a job.  I wonder if this is why offers for help 
have been ignored.

Maybe it's the Pandora's Box of managing it all when you open it out to 
the world.

I wish that the maintainers would at least let us know what they're 
thinking.  Instead of us speculating all the time, they could either say 
"sod off", or "Let's talk about a way to improve the system".

e r i k   w i l l i a m s o n                     erik@cpsc.ucalgary.ca
  system admin . department of computer science . university of calgary