[WBEL-users] updates since respin-1?

Erik Williamson erik@cpsc.ucalgary.ca
Wed, 20 Oct 2004 14:50:46 -0600

William Hooper wrote:
> Skimming the changes to Yum (I've been slacking on my Fedora testing), it
> looks like Seth added a "mirrorlist" option.  This will probably allow yum

Yes - This is going into effect for the pending Fedora Core 3 release. 
The mirror list is hosted on the fedora main site, and fetched by the 
client periodically.  Looks to be a good solution to removing 
out-of-sync mirrors - hopefully  whitebox can use the same system.

I've offered a few times before and it's never been posted to the 
website, but I've been mirroring WBEL for some time now - if anyone has 
the power, feel free to add my server, or at least say 'no' and I'll 
stop offering!



e r i k   w i l l i a m s o n                     erik@cpsc.ucalgary.ca
  system admin . department of computer science . university of calgary