[WBEL-users] Help with an ST tape streamer please

Nigel Kendrick nigel.kendrick@petdoctors.co.uk
Tue, 14 Sep 2004 11:49:18 +0100

>-----Original Message-----
>From: marcusv [mailto:marcusv@siemagblanes.co.za] 
>Sent: 14 September 2004 11:33
>To: 'Conor Wynne'; nigel.kendrick@petdoctors.co.uk
>Cc: whitebox-users@beau.org
>Subject: RE: [WBEL-users] Help with an ST tape streamer please
>Sorry Conor.
>I'm a complete newbie at this.
>And I hope you are able to assist me with this...
>You said
>Install mt-st


This is a package to be installed (ie: yum install mt-st). 

If yum is setup properly the command just given will install it or
report that it's already installed.
