[WBEL-users] How Do I Set Up a Local Up2date Server?

Randy Kelsoe randykel@swbell.net
Tue, 14 Sep 2004 17:12:47 -0500

George Salt wrote:

>I've been running WBEL for a few weeks now.  I like
>it, and I'm planning to install it on a few more
>machines on my LAN.
>Is it possible to download all of the update rpms to
>one machine, and then use that machine as the up2date
>server for the other machines on my LAN?  If someone
>could point me to an existing HowTo doc, that would be
Use this as a reference, and change the mirrors that point to Fedora to 
point to a WBEL mirror:


Once you get this setup, edit your /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources file to 
point to you local repository.
My sources entry looks like this:

yum whitebox-linux-1 http://localhost/mirror/yum-repository/wbel/i386/
yum kernel-updates http://localhost/mirror/yum-repository/wbel/i686/

and the 'mirror' directory is a symlink under /var/www/html/ pointing to 
the actual mirror directory.

I have an rsync script that runs nightly to update my local mirror:

 cat /etc/cron.daily/rsync-yum-repository


echo "********************************"
echo "getting WhiteBox Linux 3.0 updates"
echo "********************************"
echo "getting WhiteBox Linux 3.0 updates" >> /var/log/rsync
/usr/bin/rsync --verbose --progress --stats --archive --delete --exclude 
headers/ --partial ks.physics.ncsu.edu::whitebox/3.0/en/updates/i386/ 
/usr/bin/yum-arch -q /disk2/mirror/yum-repository/wbel/i386/
/usr/bin/rsync --verbose --progress --stats --archive --delete --exclude 
headers/ --partial ks.physics.ncsu.edu::whitebox/3.0/en/updates/athlon/ 
/usr/bin/yum-arch -q /disk2/mirror/yum-repository/wbel/athlon/
/usr/bin/rsync --verbose --progress --stats --archive --delete --exclude 
headers/ --partial ks.physics.ncsu.edu::whitebox/3.0/en/updates/i686/ 
/usr/bin/yum-arch -q /disk2/mirror/yum-repository/wbel/i686
/usr/bin/rsync --verbose --progress --stats --archive --delete --exclude 
headers/ --partial ks.physics.ncsu.edu::whitebox/3.0/en/updates/i586/ 
# /usr/bin/yum-arch -q /disk2/mirror/yum-repository/wbel/i586/
echo "rsync completed on" $(date +%D' at '%T)  >> /var/log/rsync
