[WBEL-users] WBEL 3.0 respin 2 availability....

bishop bishop@platypus.bc.ca
Wed, 15 Sep 2004 16:38:15 -0700

Conor Wynne wrote:

> On Tue, 2004-09-14 at 21:54, bishop wrote:
>>Gary Mansell wrote:
>>>Have you made a decision on releasing a respin 2 of WBEL 3.0? If so,
>>>when will it be available?
>>When you release the next respin (eg 2), can you reconsider naming it 
>>3.0.x (eg 3.0.2) or 3.x or so?  The confusion between RC and R in the 
>>naming scheme is rough, and if we assume RH will use only major+minor 
>>release numbers, a point release number may work.
> This is covered in the faq - it wont happen :)

Well, even criminals get appeals, but only the innocent ones.  :-)

And, yes, you're right, it looks like (Q5) the next WBEL rel will be 
3.1.  Yay!  As long as it's not 3.0respin2beta5rc2.3a .

(http://whiteboxlinux.org/faq.html - sorry, no named anchors)

Now if someone can point me to the Bugzilla...

  - bish