[WBEL-users] configuring X when it's not running

Conor Wynne weeboy@conorwynne.com
Wed, 22 Sep 2004 19:01:23 +0100 (IST)

> Well, it turns my monitor off as well.....any idea what could be
> happening?

Crap monitor? Crap card? What hardware is it exactly (monitor aswell)

You can always try installing cygwin on your windows client, or use
another *NIX box.

>From the server:
# export DISPLAY=ipaddress-of-remote-box:0.0

on the remote box, within X, in a console:
xhost +

Then simply run whatever X based command you wish, like
redhat-config-xfree86, and you are there.

Thats what I do with my headless servers, works a dream. I configured DNS
that way with redhat-config-bind :)

> --John

Conor Wynne,