[WBEL-users] configuring X when it's not running

Rex Dieter rdieter@math.unl.edu
Wed, 22 Sep 2004 13:18:15 -0500

Conor Wynne wrote:
>>Well, it turns my monitor off as well.....any idea what could be
> Crap monitor? Crap card? What hardware is it exactly (monitor aswell)
> You can always try installing cygwin on your windows client, or use
> another *NIX box.
> Then simply run whatever X based command you wish, like
> redhat-config-xfree86, and you are there.

Or configure X without having to actually run X, or rely in it's 
previous config, e.g.,

redhat-config-xfree86 --reconfig --set-resolutin=1024x768 --set-depth=16

-- Rex