Fwd: [WBEL-users] #whitebox channel on Freenode

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Tue Apr 19 00:04:35 CDT 2005

On Mon, 2005-04-18 at 21:13 -0500, donavan nelson wrote:

> And as for the reason the topic says to join #centos or whatever in the 
> topic its because when people get on IRC looking for wbel help, I (and 
> other) guide them to #centos where they may get some help.  As none in 
> #whitebox even offers to help people on whitebox.  CentOS and whitebox 
> are nearly equivalent presenting your question in #centos allows others 
> to learn/gain knowledge without the politics of #rhel.  Look at the 
> #centos logs, you will see plenty of users offering and assisting wbel 
> users.
I am both a whiteboxlinux and centos user. I have found that centos isa
lot more responsive to my needs lately.

That said...

I think that you should consider donating the whiteboxlinux.net domain
over to John Morris/whitebox as you really are doing a disservice to the
spirit of what this is all about - Linux, F/OSS.

I think that you should consider abandoning the whiteboxlinux channel on
irc and concentrate your energies on the positive aspects of centos and
not your impressions of the negatives of whiteboxlinux.

I feel that John has been very upfront about his priorities resting with
his needs and that of his employers and has been a tremendous resource
to the community at large with his efforts towards re-spinning the SRPMS
into a viable offering. He has my gratitude for his energies and his
efforts and for being one of the pioneers of the re-spins.

I have gotten the impression that this is about something personal and
not at all about Linux, whether whiteboxlinux, or centos or RHEL.

Whatever the reasons for your holding the domain name (which is
obviously yours to do with as you please) or involving yourself in an
irc channel that gives the impression of a bait and switch (which may
not be your intention at all), it just doesn't look good.

FWIW - I have seen some quality Q & A's on both lists but yes, I have
seen the centos lists improve over time.


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