[WBEL-users] I need to install perl 5.8.3 rpm by yum

Greg Knaddison greg.knaddison at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 15:50:18 CDT 2005

On 4/29/05, Pablo Silva <psilvao at yahoo.com> wrote:
>    I need to install perl 5.8.3 rpm by yum, it's
> possible because I can't find this version or later.
>    If you have any hit, please let me know...


I frequently do 

# yum list available > YumAvailable.txt
# yum list installed > YumInstalled.txt

Then I can do 

# grep -i perl Yum*.txt

Which shows me if perl is installed, and if so, which version, and if
not, if it's available it also does this quickly without having to
kick yum back up just to try perl vs. mod_perl etc.

You could also do 

# yum list perl

And see what the output is.  This should tell you if it's installed,
and what versions are available.

Looking at the WBEL mirrors it looks like 5.8.0 is the most recent one


Looking at:


Looks like 5.8.0 is the most recent available through yum, though I
may be looking in the wrong spot for the updates.

If you really really really gotta have 5.8.3 it seems like you are
going to have to find the RPM from somewhere outside of yum and
install it.

Another option, if you need perl 5.8.x where x > 2 you could also do
something like switch to Liberation4 which is available via BitTorrent
according to http://www.whiteboxlinux.org/news.html and should have


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