[WBEL-users] RE: A whole bevy of questions...

kirby kirby at igalaxy.net
Sun Feb 20 11:39:46 CST 2005

I hope this is not a duplicate.  My e-mail was down for most of Friday
evening and Saturday....  I did not see my usual whitebox e-mail list.

There is a chance the ISP turned on their SPAM filter again despite my
asking to be on their 'white' list.  So if it seems like I have no idea what
is going on ... It is probably because I don't :-)

-----Original Message-----

First a thinks to everyone on the first round of questions... After this I
think I will have to start a new thread on mythtv ...

*** Version Question:
Well I am little clearer on versions ... I had missed the difference between
RHEL and RHL ... I think I get it now. FC an RHEL are current, but FC is
kind of on its own. RHL is the OLD version before FC and RHEL.
     Does FC3 approximate RHEL3?

*** Yum Configuration [Dag] Suggestion:
I tweaked my yum.conf to include dag.  Previously. I had been getting my
mythtv components piece by piece and digging up the dependencies when make
or configure would fail... Rpm's seem to be much easier :-) So on to the
continuing saga of mythtv ..

*** Mythtv install/bttv saga
   I downloaded the kernel-unsupported and installed through yum to pick up
bttv. Booted off of 2.4.24-27.0.1 And /sbin/modprobe did not show bttv I
poked around and discovered that video for linux wasn't enabled in the
kernel... So I recompiled the kernel (make xconfig) The compile fails on
'make modules'
I rebooted just to be sure I didn't break anything ...
And it came up okay

What am I missing?

I *think* I need to recompile the kernel, but that maybe I need to get a few
more items.

On the plus side I was able to do some of the back-end configuring of myth
and the frontend and backend engines come up ... They just can't find

I am doing a 'yum update' and it is downloading a minor rev on the kernel so
we will see in the morning.

*** Book suggestions:
I guess I will be leaning on you guys for a bit on my help :-)

*** Organizing packages:
    I was unclear on my questions about packages... In downloading bits and
pieces for myth (before DAG) I had collected 30+ packages that I had
downloaded and compiled ... I was keeping them in one directory, but that
directory started to look messy ... 
Minor problem, and the people doing the RPM work may be taking care of most
of that for me :-)

Thanks again,

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