[WBEL-users] RHEL 4 Rebuild Schedule

Jamey Fletcher jamey at beau.org
Sun Feb 27 19:21:50 CST 2005

MJang wrote:

> Just wondering if there's a planned schedule for the White Box rebuild
> of RHEL 4 (assuming one's in the works). 

Since John hasn't had the chance to respond yet...

Friday evening, John was respinning ISOs for WBEL3 respin 2 (aka update 
4), and ran late.  His girl came & dragged him away from the computers 
for a bit, and I haven't seen him back in yet.

However, he's done one pass through the SRPMS of RHEL4, and only found a 
couple of packages he wasn't sure were building right.  So, WBEL4 seems 
to be fairly on track - give him at least a week or two, but it's on its 

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