[WBEL-users] Building the kernel

Karl-Koenig Koenigsson koenigsson at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 03:15:45 CST 2005

On Fri, 4 Mar 2005 07:21:16 -0000 (GMT), Vic <whitebox at beer.org.uk> wrote:
> Hi All.
> Can anyone point me at an appropriate kernel rebuild howto?
> I tried installing kernel-source, then make oldconfig, make bzImage (which
> is how I've always done things in th3e past on my RHL systems) - but that
> fails to build (bits missing from crypto_hmac_update).

Sounds right to me but you are missing the make dep stage. This is
what I type when I build a new kernel (once configured, mind you)

make dep && make clean bzImage modules modules_install

this should do the trick for you. One way to _really_ make sure is to start with

make mrproper

and then proceed with the line above. Be careful though; I _think_
that make mrproper is very particular about its task. I might kill
your kernel configuration file in the cleaning frenzy... :-)

This is all off the top of my head and there might be errors and
omissions in my reply, of course. Just back up your configuration file
once in a while and give it a try. If you omit the step with make
modules_install there is nothing in here that makes large changes to
your file system so you should be safe to experiment.


 Karl-Koenig Koenigsson

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