[WBEL-users] Dell 1850 EM64T platform OS support: WBEL 3R1 will work?

iron monkey quan.lo at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 18:05:02 CST 2005

Are the Xeon's 64bit?  I thought only the Itanium's where..

If indeed they are 64bit, you can use the i86_64 parts of Whitebox
Linux, however I believe that the Xeon's are not 64bit.  They do have
hyper-marketecture-threading so WB will choose the SMP kernel.  'cat
/proc/cpuinfo' will show two cpu's.

WB 3R1 will work on the PE 1850, however you may run into issues with
the network card not being found.  The newest of new Intel
e10/100/1000 cards do not work with the e1000 module that's currently
in WB 3R1.

SATA drives could be an issue as well...  

The PERC controller should be supported by the megaraid kernel module
as well.  I'm assuming that you are getting a 1850 with Raid

It's a simple matter to download the Intel code from the Dell website,
transfer it to your server with a Flash drive, recompile (I recommend
building the RPM.  The instructions cover how to do this in the Dell
download), install the RPM and reboot.

Kudzu will find the new card and you should be on your way.

If for some reason the card is not found, you might need to put the
following incantation into your /etc/modules.conf file:

alias eth0 e1000

When you do your initial WB install, make sure to install the kernel
source so you'll be able to build the new module from the Dell
download of Intel source code.

After that, configure yum/up2date with your favorite repository and
'yum update' your way to a new system.  Reboot and you are done.


On Mon, 7 Mar 2005 17:36:55 -0500, Edward Lauzier <elauzier at platform.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>  I've been to the Dell site researching which OS to run Dell 1850's with
>  dual Xeon (EM64T) processors.  It seems that RHEL 3 update 2 is supported
>  for the 64 bit OS.  Will WBEL 3R1 work or do I need to update it?
>  Thanks,
>  Ed
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