[WBEL-users] Dell 1850 EM64T platform OS support: WBEL 3R1 will work?

Sean Dogar sean at catfeeder.net
Tue Mar 8 18:10:11 CST 2005

Certain variants of the newer Xeons support x86_64.  Intel calls it 
E64MT or something like that.  Itanium, while 64 bit, is a whole 
different architecture. 


iron monkey wrote:

>Are the Xeon's 64bit?  I thought only the Itanium's where..
>If indeed they are 64bit, you can use the i86_64 parts of Whitebox
>Linux, however I believe that the Xeon's are not 64bit.  They do have
>hyper-marketecture-threading so WB will choose the SMP kernel.  'cat
>/proc/cpuinfo' will show two cpu's.
>WB 3R1 will work on the PE 1850, however you may run into issues with
>the network card not being found.  The newest of new Intel
>e10/100/1000 cards do not work with the e1000 module that's currently
>in WB 3R1.
>SATA drives could be an issue as well...  
>The PERC controller should be supported by the megaraid kernel module
>as well.  I'm assuming that you are getting a 1850 with Raid
>It's a simple matter to download the Intel code from the Dell website,
>transfer it to your server with a Flash drive, recompile (I recommend
>building the RPM.  The instructions cover how to do this in the Dell
>download), install the RPM and reboot.
>Kudzu will find the new card and you should be on your way.
>If for some reason the card is not found, you might need to put the
>following incantation into your /etc/modules.conf file:
>alias eth0 e1000
>When you do your initial WB install, make sure to install the kernel
>source so you'll be able to build the new module from the Dell
>download of Intel source code.
>After that, configure yum/up2date with your favorite repository and
>'yum update' your way to a new system.  Reboot and you are done.
>On Mon, 7 Mar 2005 17:36:55 -0500, Edward Lauzier <elauzier at platform.com> wrote:
>> I've been to the Dell site researching which OS to run Dell 1850's with
>> dual Xeon (EM64T) processors.  It seems that RHEL 3 update 2 is supported
>> for the 64 bit OS.  Will WBEL 3R1 work or do I need to update it?
>> Thanks,
>> Ed
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