[WBEL-users] version specific software and yum

Kyle kl at attitia.com
Mon Jul 17 18:28:39 CDT 2006

> What you want is to get/make an apache
> httpd 2.0.54 RPM and install it with RPM (not yum). You would need to
> install a 'bleeding edge' RPM from Fedora Core 5 or Fedora Core
> Development.  Or you might need to get a .src.rpm and re-build it (rpmbuild
> --rebuild httpd-2.0.54.src.rpm). 
I realise this may be a stupid question, but doesn't a src rpm need to 
be compiled first?

What I mean is;

With a src rpm, do I:

1. install (or upgrade) src rpm
2. execute configure, make, make install (or something like that order 
of things)

or, do I:

1. install (or upgrade) src rpm and  it works?

or does the rpmbuild command do the compiling such that I then do:

1. rpmbuild src rpm
2. upgrade installed rpm

Sorry. Still learning.

Kind Regards


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