[WBEL-users] yum and rpm renaming [WAS:] version specific software and yum

Kyle kl at attitia.com
Wed Jul 19 02:23:17 CDT 2006


3 point versions of apache ain't worth the grief, I guess. Long story 
short; it's landed in the too-hard basket.

Thank you to all of you who replied.

*Long version of apache upgrade:*   I got as far as looking to install 
the rpm. Checked on dependencies and yum successfully updated all those 
claimed to be required to above the min. spec. Went to install the rpm 
again and it complained further about a pcre-devel package >=5. Of 
course WBEL repositories only offer pcre-devel 4.5.x. At that point I 
took the path of least resistance.
Kind Regards


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