[WBEL-users] Upgrade Path

Kyle kl at attitia.com
Tue Nov 28 14:52:19 CST 2006

Hi Folks,

I am in a situation where I need to upgrade a live and hot WBEL 3.0 box 
to a 2.6.9 kernel. And I have to do it over ssh. I can't get into the 
box itself, so if anything happens to go wrong with a kernel compile, 
I'm pretty much screwed.

Yum doesn't appear to have anything available in a 2.6 kernel. What 
would be your suggestions please?

Do I attempt a 2.6 kernel compile, or do I just have the data centre 
upgrade it to WBEL 4.0 or even CentOS 4.x. Is there even a simple 
upgrade path for RHEL based distros in the same way there is for MS OS's?
Kind Regards


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