[WBEL-users] Up2date and WB3.0 Mirrors.

Robert Heller heller at deepsoft.com
Thu Oct 12 12:10:06 CDT 2006

At Thu, 12 Oct 2006 12:00:35 -0400 "Jeff O'Brien" <jobrien at ntisys.com> wrote:

> Phil Schaffner wrote:
> > On Tue, 2006-10-10 at 09:41 +0100, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> >   
> >> Brian Thies wrote:
> >>     
> >>> Greetings fellow users:
> >>> Over several months, the up2date gui interface almost never worked, I 
> >>> started using yum to update my machines. However, I would much rather 
> >>> use the gui interface.
> >>> Using the command line for up2date, I made a discovery about why the gui 
> >>> doesn't work.
> >>> The mirrors for WB3 are badly out of date. only about 40% of the mirrors 
> >>> that whitebox-mirrors points to are current. For example: 
> >>> ftp.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu is being deprecated. jach.hawaii.edu doesnt have 
> >>> a 3.0 directory. and phantomhosting.com has no whitebox directories at all!
> >>> Any idea of who to talk to to get the mirror list updated?
> >>>
> >>>       
> >> try http://www.centos.org/
> >>
> >> is WBEL even being maintained anymore ?
> >>     
> >
> > Appears pretty dormant at best...
> >
> > Last traffic on the whitebox-devel list: 25 Apr 2006
> > Last traffic on whitebox-announce list:	1 May 2006
> > Last John Morris message on whitebox-users list: 30 May 2006
> > Last *@beau.org message on whitebox-users list: 16 Jul 2006
> >
> > Thanks to John and the library for getting me, and many others, started
> > on an EL distro with WBEL3; but see link above and others in this thread
> > for instructions on moving to CentOS.  The move from WBEL3 -> CentOS3
> > move was pretty painless for me long before good instructions were
> > available, and CentOS 4 has been great - timely updates, active
> > development team (thanks Karanbir), and very good community support.
> >
> > Phil
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Whitebox-users mailing list
> > Whitebox-users at beau.org
> > http://beau.org/mailman/listinfo/whitebox-users
> >   
> I as well award my thanks to John and the rest of the list for 
> everything whitebox has done for me and my company over the past year or 
> two.  Thank you all so much, hopefully I'll be seeing you on the CentOS 
> lists when the time comes.
> I did my first two WBEL4 to CentOS4.4 migrations this morning both went 
> without a hitch.  Well except one, after upgrading the two systems I 
> noticed both have the whitebox grub splash screen and no CentOS splash 
> screen was found on the system.  If one of you could kindly point to me 
> a new splash.xml.gz with the CentOS that would be well appreciated for 
> such a small thing (just a little anal retentive).  Or does anyone have 
> a little HOWTO on making your own custom?  Not a big deal if no one does.

sauron.deepsoft.com% rpm -qf /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz 
sauron.deepsoft.com% cat /etc/*release*
CentOS release 4.3 (Final)

If you installed redhat-logos-1.1.26-1.centos4.1 (or whatever version
goes with CentOS4.4), you should be all set.  You *might* have to
re-install the grub bootloader (I don't know if grub grabs the splash
image from the file system like it grabs everything else or not) OR
update your grub.conf file. Or something like that.  It is also possible
that the CentOS4.4 splash.xpm.gz might have landed as
splash.xpm.gz.rpmnew -- depends on how the redhat-logos rpm was set up
-- if splash.xpm.gz was flagged as a user config file, it might have
wanted to not clobber it.

Oh, you'll want to check /boot/grub/grub.conf to make sure it is indeed
accessing the proper splash file.

sauron.deepsoft.com% identify /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz
/tmp/magick-XX7sZScB XPM 640x480 DirectClass 302kb 1.310u 0:02

/boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz is just a compressed 640x480 XPM file. One can
use any random image editing program (eg GIMP) to create such a file,
and then compress it with gzip and drop it into /boot/grub/ and make
sure /boot/grub/grub.conf references it.
> For the upgrade I had two systems that were both "Minimal" installs with 
> added daemons via yum (httpd, named, MySQL, Dovecot).  Everything seems 
> to work so far.
> Thanks again!

Robert Heller             -- 978-544-6933
Deepwoods Software        -- Linux Installation and Administration
http://www.deepsoft.com/  -- Web Hosting, with CGI and Database
heller at deepsoft.com       -- Contract Programming: C/C++, Tcl/Tk

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