[WBEL-devel] Re: How to get the RHEL Errata?

David Jao djao@dominia.org
Mon, 24 Nov 2003 03:22:24 -0500

> If you want to stay legal, do NOT transfer a binary RPM delivered via
> RHN to any other machine.  RHN would be one way to get the SRPMs
> however.

If the RPM consists of GPL software, then I am strongly convinced that
the binary RPM is redistributable. Any action by redhat to suppress
redistribution (even in object form) would violate section 6 of the GPL.
If redhat tried to use trademark law, RHN service agreements, or any
other method to prevent GPL compliant redistribution of a GPL'd package,
then redhat would be in violation of the terms of the GPL.

Note that the above does not apply to GPL software that redhat wrote
(since they are free to violate their own license), or to software under
other licenses. For such RPMs, I totally agree with John that you should
not attempt to redistribute them.
