[WBEL-devel] In the words of Mark Twain ...

Ewan Mac Mahon ecm103@york.ac.uk
Tue, 10 Feb 2004 15:37:21 +0000

On Tue, Feb 10, 2004 at 07:45:52AM -0600, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> [snip]
> I agree totally with this.  John has been very responsive on the normal
> security updates (usually within 24 hours)... the Quarterly updates (I
> think it was 62 packages for the first one) are going to take a little
> longer.  If there is something that is extremely critical for your
> individual install, then just rebuild it yourself if you can't wait a
> week or two.
That's OK for those of us with the experience and resources to build the
updates ourselves, but it seems a bit silly to have several people doing
the exact same thing and not sharing the results for the benefit of
everyone else. This "I'm alright Jack" attitude of just leeching John's
stuff that he's good enough to share and not reciprocating is easy, but it
doesn't feel too good.

> We should, by now, know the parameters that John has set out.  He will
> maintain the x86 versions, use it if you want ... there are other people
> maintaining a x86_64 version.
There was an email from John back on the 16th of December saying that he'd
be happy to host the ports on whiteboxlinux.org so that the mirrors would
pick them up, and laying out a list of things that the ports would need to
do. As I understand it the ports have done most of those things, but
there's still no sign of them on the mirrors. Again, you might be alright
without non-x86 ports, but that doesn't stop it being a problem for other
