[WBEL-users] RPM Gui?

William Hooper whooperhsd2@earthlink.net
Thu, 8 Apr 2004 12:35:15 -0400 (EDT)

Eric B. said:
> Doesn't up2date and/or yum install directly from the repo though?  For
> example, I want to install the latest version of MySQL.  So I can d/l the
> MySQL rpm from mysql.com, but need to use rpm -i to install it.  If I try
> to
> use yum or up2date, it complains that it can't find the rpm in the
> repository (which is natural, since it isn't there).
> Short of using rpm -i, is there anything else I can do to install the pkg?
> The problem with rpm -i is that if there are dependencies missing, then I
> am
> forced to go find them myself...

Maybe I'm missing something, but you are expecting a dep solver to go,
search the internet, find the mysql.com site, figure out what to download,
and then install it?

William Hooper