[WBEL-users] WBEL Vs Centos ? :-S

William Hooper whooperhsd2@earthlink.net
Tue, 7 Dec 2004 08:13:35 -0500 (EST)

Kirby C. Bohling said:
>> The difference is, at this point I looked at the main mirror, grabbed
>> the updates I needed and put them on my local mirror.
> Yes, I could have done that.  I figured the fact that there is no
> public reference to /pub is a clue that John would appreciate me not
> banging away on it.

The impression I got (again, from John's post to the devel list), is that
he assumed everyone knew it was there and available.

> I'm fairly sure that if everyone did what you did
> (espeically in an automated way),

Who said anything about being automated?  If the mirror is lagging
(SNAFU), then I wait a bit and manually grab the updates I need from the
main site.

> Yes and no.  Several thoughts jump to mind.  I'll bet money the
> reason that they use ncsu is just a barrier to entry problem.  The barrier
> to mirroring NCSU was knowing how rsync works.  The barrier to getting
> mirror access from whiteboxlinux.org meant sending an e-mail and possibly
> being rejected.

I guess I never envision mirror admins that afraid of rejection.

> Having to deal with John, and adding a password, that
> might have to be maintained, or dealing with John if the IP address or DNS
> name ever changed on the host.  I'd much rather deal with NCSU (assuming I
> was unaware that they ran such a defective mirror).

But if you are trying to run a public mirror you are used to that "barrier
of entry".  I would want to be as close to the source as possible so that
someone elses problem (NCSU) doesn't cause me issues.

> I'm willing to bet that none of the mirror admin's follow the -devel
> list.

Perhaps a mirror-admin list is in order...

> If I was John for a day, I'd add these IP's to my hosts.allow for
> rsync access:

Hostnames are so much easier to deal with.

William Hooper