[WBEL-users] VMWare

Dean Troyer dtroyer at gmail.com
Tue Mar 15 12:22:26 CST 2005

On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 08:24:16 -0800, Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com> wrote:
> You could install VMWare in linux, and use the raw windows partition.
> You would have to boot the XP cd IN VMWare, and run a repair install to
> fix the hardware differences. It is some work, and if the XP is fairly
> fresh, without a lot of stuff loaded, a new install would be better.
> You would not be able to dual boot and use the windows partition in
> vmware, as XP would throw massive fits as the hardware changed.

Or use alternate hardware profiles.  I've done this with Win2K; it
took some fiddling but I was able to make it happy enough with a
hardware profile for the native boot and one for the VM boot.  I did
it with Linux (RH9) also, and was able to always have both systems
available no matter which one was booted as the host.  RH was less
forgiving of the changes, wanting a trip through kudzu every time it
changed, but it never had an actual problem.

The tricky part was to keep from booting the same OS partitions twice
(bringing up the Win2K VM would still show grub and the RH9 selection
as default).


Dean Troyer
dtroyer at gmail.com

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