[WBEL-users] Re: Yum missing packages for WBEL4?

Jerry Amundson jerry at pbs.com
Tue Nov 22 21:48:18 CST 2005

On Tue November 22 2005 20:26, Eric B. wrote:
> Hi,
> I just installed WBEL4 i386_x64 remotely on my system and was trying to get
> it properly configured.  Given that it is a remote installation, I had
> someone else drop in the WBEL4 CD in the machine, and did the rest via a
> remote KVM switch, which gave me access to the console.  Since I didn't
> want to ask someone to have to drop in CD2, 3, & 4, I installed a minimal
> installation, which only requires CD1.  So far, so good.

Well, not so good for the mirror you install from... ;-)
(just kidding - I've done the same in a pinch)

> Next, I wanted to install some of the bigger packages, like X, Gnome,
> XEmacs, etc... so I ftp'ed the yum rpm onto the server and tried to use
> yum. Here start my issues.
> First issue is the default yum.conf file incorrectly lists the
> distroverpkg=redhat-release.  I updated that to be whitebox-release.  (Is
> this a packaging bug / oversight?).  So now, yum seemingly works.

"oversight" works for me. I recall seeing mention of it on whiteboxlinux.org 
or a mailing list, but can't hone in on it now...

> However, I tried to install gnome-desktop, hoping that it would
> automatically see X as a dependency and install that as well.  But here
> start my issues.  When I try to install gnome-deskotp, I get the following
> errors:
> Error: Missing Dependency: libbonobo-activation.so.4 is needed by package
> gnome-desktop
> Error: Missing Dependency: libbonoboui-2.so.0 is needed by package
> gnome-desktop
> Error: Missing Dependency: libbonobo-2.so.0 is needed by package
> gnome-desktop
> Error: Missing Dependency: libgnomeui-2.so.0 is needed by package
> gnome-desktop
> Error: Missing Dependency: libgnomevfs-2.so.0 is needed by package
> gnome-desktop
> Error: Missing Dependency: libgnome-2.so.0 is needed by package
> gnome-desktop
> This, obviously, confuses me.  I understand that the packages are not in
> the repository, but I can't help but wonder why.  Are the repositories
> listed in the default /etc/yum.repos.d/wbelmirrors.yum not complete?  Are
> they missing files?   Are there other repositories / mirrors I should be
> using instead that would contain all the required dependencies?

Well, start with renaming
/etc/yum.repos.d/wbelmirrors.repo - let's call that another "oversight".

> Barring this, is there anyway I can download the ISO images, and someone
> set them up as a local YUM repository instead?

Yes, http://www.whiteboxlinux.org/download.html has bittorrents, etc. but you 
should be able to install from yum mirrors just fine.
To help things, you might also tweak wbelmirrors.repo by
1. add "failovermethod=priority" to each section, and
2. place url that's "closest" or has best throughput first, and
3. removing url's that are no longer valid, or are overseas from you.
mine is attached. It doesn't change much, though sometimes, for the heck of 
it, I put the WI site first..

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