[WBEL-users] Re: Yum missing packages for WBEL4?

Eric B. ebenze at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 23 01:17:27 CST 2005

Thanks for the insight.  I forgot to include the fact that I had renamed the 
wbelmirrors.yum file to wbelmirrors.repo file.
I also tried to update my wbelmirrors.repo file with the one that Jerry 

I am able to install some things via yum without problems.  Ex, I installed 
emacs, X Win server, etc.  However, I am still running into problems with 
Gnome desktop.  I tried installing it this time using the groupinstall 
ie: yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment"

This time I am still getting dependency problems:
Error: Missing Dependency: libgdk_imlib.so.1 is needed by package 

After a little searching, I found that the libgdk_imlib.so.1 is provided by 
the imlib.  A manual yum install imlib finds the library and installs it. 
However, trying the yum groupinstall GNOME Desktop Environment still fails 
with the same error message.

A quick perusal of the system finds libgdk_imlib.so.1 in /usr/lib64.  I've 
tried an rpm --rebuilddb to ensure that the db was properly populated, but 
that has proven fruitless as well.

If I try yum install gnome-desktop, I get the same set of missing 
dependencies as earlier.
Error: Missing Dependency: libbonobo-activation.so.4 is needed by package 
Error: Missing Dependency: libbonoboui-2.so.0 is needed by package 
Error: Missing Dependency: libbonobo-2.so.0 is needed by package 
Error: Missing Dependency: libgnomeui-2.so.0 is needed by package 
Error: Missing Dependency: libgnomevfs-2.so.0 is needed by package 
Error: Missing Dependency: libgnome-2.so.0 is needed by package 

However, these files are all in /usr/lib64 as well.

How do I show yum that thess files are actually on my system?  Is the 
i386_x64 install going to constantly be giving me these issues?  Also 
wondering why yum didn't discover and download the imlib dependency 

Thanks again for any help / insight!


>> This, obviously, confuses me.  I understand that the packages are not in
>> the repository, but I can't help but wonder why.  Are the repositories
>> listed in the default /etc/yum.repos.d/wbelmirrors.yum not complete?  Are
>> they missing files?   Are there other repositories / mirrors I should be
>> using instead that would contain all the required dependencies?
> > Well, start with renaming
> /etc/yum.repos.d/wbelmirrors.yum
> to
> /etc/yum.repos.d/wbelmirrors.repo - let's call that another "oversight".

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