[WBEL-users] Upgrade Path

Vic whitebox at beer.org.uk
Wed Nov 29 08:11:30 CST 2006

> apart from 'emotional attachment' I dont think
> there is any other reason from your side thats ever come through as to
> why not. If there is a reason why people would hesitate to move to
> CentOS, perhaps we would like to know ? If there something that can be
> done to fix that issue, then we will.

This mail thread is the reason.

I am heartily sick of being told how much better CentOS is, how WBEL is
dead, how we should all switch to CentOS immediatley, how no other
distribution can match it, that we chould switch to CentOS now, that
anyone who does anything but switch to CentOS is wasting their time, how
switching to CentOS is the only sane thing to be doing, how Resistance Is

I'm not alone in this view.

If you want to improve CentOS's appearance - stop trying to promote it at
the expense of opyther distros. Feel free to tell the world what you're
doing right. Stop telling people who aren't interested what you think
they're doing wrong.


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